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Dominic, Preacher, Friar, Missionary. 8 August 1221

Dominic was born in Castile, in Spain, in 1170. He entered the priesthood, and eventually became prior of the canons of the cathedral chapter (the clergy who formed the staff of the cathedral and conducted the daily worship services) at Osma (42:52 N 3:03 W). The turning point of his life came in 1206, when he was chosen to accompany the bishop on a visit to southern France, to an area held by the Albigenses. These were a heretical sect more or less directly descended from the early Gnostics and Manichees. They were dualists, holding that there are two gods, one the god of goodness, light, truth, and spirit, and the other the god of evil, darkness, error, and matter. The material universe is the creation of the bad god. The good god made the souls of men, and the bad god kidnapped them and imprisoned them in bodies of flesh. On their first night in Albigensian country, they stayed at an inn where the innkeeper was an Albigensian. Dominic engaged him in conversation, they sat up all night talking, and by dawn the man was ready to become an orthodox Christian. From then on, Dominic knew what his calling in life was. Dominic and his bishop undertook to study the Albigensian beliefs and to engage in public debates with their opponents. They seemed to be making some progress, but in 1207 the bishop died, and in the same year the murder by Albigenses of the papal legate moved the pope to declare a crusade against the Albigenses, which lasted about five years.

Dominic continued to preach and to debate where he could, and in 1215 he founded an order of preachers, who were to live in poverty, and devote themselves to studying philosophy and theology and to combatting false doctrine by logical argument rather than by the use of force. He was convinced that a major obstacle to the conversion of heretics was the material wealth of some of the clergy, which made plausible the accusation that they were concerned for their purses and not for the glory of God, and made workers indisposed to hear them. He therefore determined that the brothers of his order should live lives of poverty and simplicity, being no better off materially than those they sought to convert. When he was in Rome, seeking authorization for his order from the Pope, the Pope gave him a tour of the treasures of the Vatican, and remarked complacently (referring to Acts 3:6), "Peter can no longer say, 'Silver and gold have I none.'" Dominic turned and looked straight at the Pope, and said, "No, and neither can he say, 'Rise and walk.'" He got the permission he was seeking, and the order grew and flourished. Officially known as the Order of Preachers (hence the letters O.P. after the name of a member), it was informally known as the Dominicans, or the Blackfriars (from the color of their cloaks). Two of their best-known members are Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great, 1200-1280, see 15 Nov), who was famous for his learning in numerous fields, and his pupil Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274, see 28 Jan), who wrote reconciling Christian theology with the philosophy of Aristotle, which was then being rediscovered in western Europe, and was thought by many to be a threat to Christianity. In later years, the Order forgot its commitment to "logic and persuasion, not force" as the means of bringing men to Christian truth, and many of its members were active in the Inquisition.

Dominic was three times offered a bishopric, and refused, believing that he was called to another work. He died in 1220 in Bologna, Italy (44:30 N 11:20 E), after a preaching mission to Hungary. His emblem in art is a dog with a torch in its mouth, a pun on his name (the Dominicans are sometimes called the "Domini canes", the hounds of the Lord), and a reference to his relying on the power of preaching.

Manipulación y distorsiones

¿Por qué tiene que ir al escenario de los hechos el ministro o jefe superior?

Ernesto A. Holder
Sean McBride pudo haber sentido pena cuando el informe de su comisión fue rechazado en 1980. El documento llamaba, entre otras cosas, al establecimiento de ‘nuevas tareas sociales para los medios de comunicación' y también a ‘aminorar (…) las distorsiones que se producen en el momento de la difusión de la información'.
Independientemente de nuestro entendimiento sobre las causas actuales de la situación social y, el indudable poder que sobre ella ejercen los medios no me deja de asombrar —realmente asombrar— cuando las prácticas para difundir información han evolucionado hacia otros fines lejos de los objetivos generales de informar. Y muchos sectores de la población que pensaríamos ejercerían mejor juicio para contrarrestar esta desviación social (incluyendo el Gobierno nacional), han caído en la trampa mediática: la lucha por el rating y elevar el puntaje en las encuestas.
Subrayo dos eventos ocurridos en un espacio de ocho días. Carlos Jaramillo, molesto (por no decirlo en buen panameño) por las repetidas boletas que le han aplicado por violar las normas del tránsito, provocó la movilización de todos los estamentos de seguridad del Estado cuando subió al Puente de Las Américas para suicidarse. No era un terrorista, ya había protestado antes. Jaramillo, cantante de reggae que se hace llamar ‘Big Charlie ', se tomó un ‘selfie ' y lo subió a las redes sociales. Se apersonaron al área el ministro de Seguridad Pública, Alexis Bethancourt, y José Donderis, director del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil. También llegaron agentes del Servicio Nacional Aeronaval, del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Panamá y de la Policía Nacional.
Días después, en la tarde del martes 25 de julio, se dio un incendio en el complejo comercial Los Pueblos. Además de los bomberos, todos los estamentos de seguridad acudieron al área nuevamente para ocuparse de las responsabilidades inherentes. Creo que hay una diferencia notable entre el fuego y el caso del puente con lo que respecta a la movilización de tantos recursos para atender y resolver cada uno de estos asuntos.
Probablemente pocas personas ven estos evento desde mi perspectiva, pero lo que me llamó la atención por una parte, fue la cobertura que le dieron los medios televisivos: en vivo y directo y ahora con toda la tecnología que tienen a su disposición. Y por la otra, en el proceso de comunicación de las autoridades. Percibo una desviación inusual y desafortunada.
En eventos que de alguna manera afectan la seguridad civil, la responsabilidad es la de orientar a la comunidad que puede ser afectada inmediatamente y por las consecuencias. Lo que percibí fue la ya conocida lucha por el rating y, peor aún, el interés de algunas de las autoridades por puntualizar y enaltecer su desempeño. En medio del esfuerzo por sofocar el incendio, el encargado de los bomberos tenía cifras muy puntuales de la cantidad de personal atendiendo el fuego, carros especializados, ambulancias, equipos, etc., además de varias líneas bien exactas sobre ‘lo rápido que han respondido las Fuerzas de Tarea Conjunta, los estamentos de seguridad… y otros mensajes puntuales ( talking points ) diseñados por los supuestos estrategas de comunicación y que en ese momento no venían al caso.
Podemos ser condescendientes y darle espacio para divulgar mensajes específicos, pero durante el desarrollo de una actividad peligrosa, la propaganda institucional no me parece. hicieron lo mismo con el sujeto del Puente de las Américas, resumir los objetivos de la institución en el marco de una situación difícil. ¿Por qué tiene que ir al escenario de los hecho el ministro o jefe superior?
No hay manera de evitarlo: si estamos considerando seriamente llevar adelante las reformas necesarias para ‘arreglar' los asuntos nacionales en los que la desmesurada corrupción es lo que nos indigna, debemos echar un vistazo a los medios de comunicación y el papel que juega en todo el sistema social.
Los famosos estrategas de comunicación solo funcionan para la propaganda y para desviar la atención. La única estrategia que cabe para los que nos gobiernan debe ser: decir la verdad, eso estamos esperando del caso Odebrecht y los otros temas de corrupción que nos acechan desde las esferas oficiales y los grupos de poder. Si hay que ‘patear la mesa', como dice Pedro Rivera, o revolucionar todo el sistema, indudablemente tenemos que redefinir los procesos de comunicación y el papel de los medios de comunicación.

John Mason Neale, Priest, Scholar, and Translator. 7 August 1866

John Mason Neale was born in London in 1818, studied at Cambridge, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1842. He was offered a parish, but chronic ill health, which was to continue throughout his life, prevented him from taking it. In 1846 he was made warden of Sackville College, a position he held for the rest of his life. Sackville College was not an educational institution, but an almshouse, a charitable residence for the poor.

In 1854 Neale co-founded the Sisterhood of St. Margaret, an order of women in the Anglican Church dedicated to nursing the sick. Many Anglicans in his day, however, were very suspicious of anything suggestive of Roman Catholicism. Only nine years earlier, John H. Newman had encouraged Romish practices in the Anglican Church, and had ended up joining the Romanists himself. This encouraged the suspicion that anyone like Neale was an agent of the Vatican, assigned to destroy the Anglican Church by subverting it from within. Once Neale was attacked and mauled at a funeral of one of the Sisters. From time to time unruly crowds threatened to stone him or to burn his house. He received no honor or preferment in England, and his doctorate was bestowed by an American college (Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut). However, his basic goodness eventually won the confidence of many who had fiercely opposed him, and the Sisterhood of St. Margaret survived and prospered.

Neale translated the Eastern liturgies into English, and wrote a mystical and devotional commentary on the Psalms. However, he is best known as a hymn writer and translator, having enriched English hymnody with many ancient and mediaeval hymns translated from Latin and Greek, including the following:
A great and mighty wonder
All glory, laud and honor
Alleluia, song of gladness
Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs
Brief life is here our portion
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christian, dost thou see them
Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Creator of the stars of night
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord
For thee, O dear, dear country
Jerusalem the golden
Jesus, Name all names above
Let us now our voices raise
Light's abode, celestial Salem
Now that the daylight fills the sky
O blest Creator of the light
O God, creation's secret force
O God of truth, O Lord of might,
O sons and daughters, let us sing
O Trinity of blessed light
O what their joy and their glory must be
O wondrous type! O vision fair
Of the Father's love begotten
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright
The day is past and over
The day of resurrection
Those eternal bowers
Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise
To thee before the close of day 
and many others. More than anyone else, he made English-speaking congregations aware of the centuries-old tradition of Latin, Greek, Russian, and Syrian hymns.
A portion of an article by him follows:
Among the most pressing of the inconveniences consequent on the adoption of the vernacular language in the office-books of the Reformation, must be reckoned the immediate disuse of all the hymns of the Western Church. That treasury, into which the saints of every age and country had poured their contributions, delighting, each in his generation, to express their hopes and fears, their joys and sorrows, in language which whould be the heritage of their Holy Mother until the end of time--those noble hymns, which had solaced anghorets on their mountains, monks in their cells, priests in bearing up against the burden and heat of the day, missionaries in girding themslves for martyrdom--henceforth became as a sealed book and as a dead letter. The prayers and collects, the versicles and responses, of the earlier Church might, without any great loss of beauty, be preserved; but the hymns, whether of the sevenfold daily office, of the weekly commemoration of creation and redemption, of the yearly revolution of the Church's seasons, or of the birthdays to glory of martyrs and confessors--those hymns by which day unto day had uttered speech, and night unto night had taught knowledge--could not, by the hands then employed in ecclesiastical matters, be rendered into another, and that a then comparatively barbarous, tongue. One attempt the Reformers made--the version of the Veni Creator Spiritus in the Ordinal; and that, so far perhaps fortunately, was the only one. Cranmer, indeed, expressed some casual hope that men fit for the office might be induced to come forward; but the very idea of a hymnology of the time of Henry VIII may make us feel thankful that the prelate's wishes were not carried out.
The Church of England had, then, to wait. She had, as it has well been said, to begin over again. There might arise saints within herself, who, one by one, should enrich her with hymns in her own language; there might arise poets, who should be capable of supplying her office-books with versions of the hymns of earlier times. In the meantime the psalms were her own; and grievous as was the loss she had sustained, she might be content to suffice herself with those, and expect in patience the rest.
J M Neale, "English Hymnology: Its History and Prospects," in the periodical The Christian Remembrancer, 1849.
Neale died on 6 August 1866 (age 48). Since 6 August is the Feast of the Transfiguration, he is remembered on 7 August.


Por: Miguel Antonio Bernal

Con el descaro propio de quienes obstruyen la construcción de un Estado Constitucional y Democrático en Panamá, se nos comunica que "Odebrecht Panamá ha suscrito un Acuerdo de Colaboración Eficaz con el Ministerio Público..."

       Este "Acuerdo para acordar" reasegura a la cleptocracia gubernamental (mezcla de autocracia con impunidad), y continuar así su actuar para que Panamá no sea un país y, sea un negocio para coimeados y coimeadores.

      Mientras los coimeados por Odebrecht se regordean con el "Misterio Público", sus coimeadores cínicamente, "piden disculpas a la sociedad panameña". El comunicado de marras, igual que la Procuradora y su relacionista pública, nos piden que confiemos en ellos, para que puedan así, seguir actuando irracionalmente de espaldas a la ciudadanía.

   La voragine que vivimos -desde hace tres lustros, en materia social y de política de Estado, pisotea las grandes mayorías nacionales. Cada día hay menos diálogo, menos debate pero, eso si, más manipulación mediática, más imposiciones, más arbitrariedades, más abusos de autoridad y de extralimitación de funciones.

    Ya he señalado que: "El debido proceso es pisoteado a diario, las garantías fundamentales irrespetadas, mientras que los Derechos Humanos son, cada vez más, un espejismo. El país político vive un carnaval permanente de farsa en farsa, mientras construye su próximo escenario para la tragedia, que les sirva de pretexto para permanecer en el poder, monopolizando todo, destruyendo –cual comejen-cualquier vestigio de institucionalidad y reforzando la camisa de fuerza que les permita mantener secuestrada cualquier aspiración democrática.  

   El "Acuerdo de Cooperación Eficaz" nos debe llenar de vergüenza pues, pisotea los principios básicos del Derecho constitucional y, manipula el caso Odebrecht para impedir que la población pueda saber la verdad y los nombres de los coimeados y ladrones, de los más de tres mil millones de balboas, que nos pertenecen a todos.