The sisters of
her order came to be known informally as Minoresses (Franciscan brothers are
Friars Minor = "lesser brothers") or as Poor Clares. When the order
was formed, Francis suggested Clare for the Superior. But she refused the
position until she turned twenty-one. They devoted themselves to prayer,
nursing the sick, and works of mercy for the poor and neglected.
They adopted a
rule of life of extreme austerity (more so than of any other order of women up
to that time) and of absolute poverty, both individually and collectively. They
had no beds. They slept on twigs with patched hemp for blankets. Wind and rain
seeped through cracks in the ceilings. They ate very little, with no meat at
all. Whatever they ate was food they begged for. Clare made sure she fasted
more than anyone else. Despite this way of life, or perhaps because of it, the
followers of Clare were the most beautiful young girls from the best families
of Assisi.
The community
of Poor Clares continues to this day, both in the Roman and in the Anglican