In the early church, some women, principally widows, were formally entrusted with helping to carry out the work of the church, particularly in ministering to the sick and needy of the congregation. (See 1 Timothy 5, where it appears that the women so set aside made a lifetime commitment to their work.) However, the order of deaconesses (as they were called) had largely died out by the seventh century, although some orders of nuns, and some less formally organized groups, undertook to carry out similar work.
In modern times, the order of deaconesses has been revived among Lutherans, chiefly by the efforts of Theodor Fliedner. Fliedner was born in Eppstein, Germany, in 1800, studied for the ministry, and in 1822 became pastor of a small parish in Kaiserswerth. Moved by their example, he began a ministry at the Dusseldorf Prison, walking to and from Dusseldorf every other Sunday until a regular prison chaplain was appointed. Under his influence and example, more and more prisons acquired chaplains and regular worship services for the prisoners. He opened a half-way house for released women prisoners, and a nursery school (then an innovation) that eventually became a school for future teachers.

Together with Fliedner, American Lutherans remember William A. Passavant, born in 1821, who brought the deaconess movement to the United States in 1849, and was a founder of missions, hospitals, orphanages, colleges, and seminaries. He died 3 January 1894.